Sunday, 27 May 2012

Turn 4.2 Releases

Towel Day Releases
Team Tulip: Hitchhiker with a towel, at the The Hitchhiker's Guide The Helsinki Centre
Team Train: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in with the towels in a shop 
Team Boot: Matkalla Avaruuteen (Lost in Space) at the gas station looking for a hitch-hiker friendly driver to take them home
Team Wolf: Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis (The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy) on the bulldozer threatening to topple Arthur Dent's House 
Team Battleship: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy at the Towel Headquarters of the Western World
Team Moneybag: La plage (The Beach) lays down a towel to claim a spot on the IKEA seafront... dropped off by the whole family in  pyjamas!

Team Racecar: Mostly Harmless released after 42 minutes in a 'bar' (with a towel, of course!)
Team Thimble: Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis, Not Panicking(!) despite being very high up a mountain side
GoG: Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency on a towel :) 

Wearing of the Lilac Releases
Team Tulip: The Light Fantastic with some bananas to bribe any passing librarians 
Team Train: The Language of Flowers  released amongst the flowers, wearing lilac knitwear 
Team Boot: Moments for Friends a purple book of short, easy to remember stories at a nursing home, with some purple flowers
Team Wolf: Deconstructing Dylan a purple book at a Dementia Conference
Team Battleship: Night Watch wearing a hat with lilac in the band, outside the Alzheimers headquarters 
Team Top Hat: Planning Your Wedding a suggestion for a lilac wedding'
Team Moneybag: Le savoir-vivre des fleurs (The Etiquette of Flowers) a week before Fête du Lilas in Parc des Lilas, surrounded by flowers
Team Racecar: Minnets möjligheter, a book about memory, in a lilac bag
Team Thimble: Jacke wie Hose on a street they have often walked down, that always seemed devoid of lilac trees before... 
Team Scottie-Dog: Just Between Us a lilac book in a flower shop
Gog: Sourcery outside Lilac Blue
Team Wolf get swept away

Bonus points go to....
Team Tulip, for renaming the turn
Team Wolf, for Vogon avoidance tactics (and blagging of excellent release spot)
Team Moneybag, becasue going to IKEA in your pjs definitely deserves a bonus point! 
Team Thimble for an excellent impression of a mountain goat
Team Boot for poster making and just because it made me laugh
Team Battleship demonstrate towel usages
Team Thimble urge you not to look down

Team Tulip go bananananananans
Team Train in carefully selected knitwear
It's in the bag for Team Boot
Team Battleship looking dapper
Handy advice from Team Tulip
Team Train know where all the towels are
Team Moneybag in Arthur Dent costume; nightwear and a towel!

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Turn Five

Submit the details of your teams completed challenge - including a link to the book's page (and pictures if you want) - by PMing Vekiki. Please also post on the forum so we can see your release!
Submissions deadline: 21.00 GMT (that's 9 PM, London time) on Monday 4th June
New Turn will be announced on Tuesday 5th June
Refresh on how to play here
Chatter about the turn in the forum

Check out the extra challenges for every team in Turn Four and a Bit

Team Battleship
Cloud Nine (Dice Roll 9)

Team Boot
Tables & Chairs  (Dice Roll 12)
   + Collect the Browns
   + Passing Go Free Release

Team Iron
Tables & Chairs (Dice Roll 4)
   + Passing Go Free Release

Team Moneybag
Cafes & Restaurants  (Dice Roll 3)

Team Racecar
Fifth Dimension (Dice Roll 2)

Team Scottie Dog
Parks & Playgrounds (Dice Roll 7)

Team Thimble
Castles & Palaces (Dice Roll 8)

Team Top Hat
Hotel (Dice Roll 6)

Team Train
Museums & Galleries (Dice Roll 11)
   + Passing Go Free Release

Team Tulip
Chance card: Animal Magic - make a zoological release (Dice Roll 8)

Team Wolf
Community Bookshelf (Dice Roll 2)

Home (Dice Roll 6)

Turn Four Releases

Team Racecar get building
Team Iron: La musica del mondo (The Music of the World) in Parco della Musica (Music Park)
Team Racecar: Bable Tower in a homemade multi-linguall Tower of Bable
Team Battleship: Nils Holgerssons Underbara Resa Genom Sverige (Nils Holgerssons Wonderful Journey Through Sweden) in Smygehuk, the southernmost part of Sweden
Team Boot: Dublin Wit at he Nail in the Pale / The Erection at the Intersection / The Stiletto in the Ghetto ...
Team Thimble: Begrabt mein Herz an der Biegung des Flusses (Bury My Heart At The Bend Of The River) at bend of the river Kocher in Schwäbisch Hall
Team Tulip: Water Hazard on the ferry, and The Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy in amongst the towels
Team Tophat: The Ha-Ha sent out with a box of books to kick-start a new OBCZ
Team Train: Australia's Rugged Interior 'out west' in Cowra
Team Wolf: Flächenland (Flatland) at a not very flat, but indeed very dimensional sculpture
Team Moneybag: Le capuchon du moine (The Monk's Hood) singing "hoooooooommmmmmmmmmmme" in a little wooden house
Team Scottie-Dog: The Little Book of Chocolate is bound to be every chocoholics favourite
GoG: On the Origin Of The Species outside the Royal Society

Bonus Points go to...
Team Racecar for tower building 
Team Moneybag for sheer silliness
Team Tulip for inspiring a whole new turn 
Team Scottie-Dog, becasue we can all empathise when the best laid plans go astray

And I hope everyone saw Turn Four and A Bit already....

Team Boot at The Rod to God

Team Tulip get wet

Team Wolf are not in Flatland anymore...

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Turn Four And A Bit

Lilac Towels. yum.
All Monopoly Teams are challenged to make 2 extra releases on 25th May; One themed to towels, one themed to lilac.

Wanna Know Why? My reason is threefold;
1) Because I am Gog, and I can ;)
2) For Towel Day, in honour of Douglas Adams & h2g2 (you don't need to have read the book. Just so long as you know what a towel is)
3) For The Wearing of the Lilac, in honour of Tezzer Pratchett and Altzheimers research (you also don't need to have read the book. just so long as you know what lilac is.)

I'm not completely mad (well.... not about this, anyway), look;

the first year I wore the lilac, I wondered if Pratchett had chosen that day in honour of it's being towel day, as Night Watch (the book the date is referenced in) was published about 9 months after the first towel day... I still don't know. But I know TP and Adams were friends :)

the book you release doesn't have to be Hitchhikers, or Discworld

these TWO releases per team will both count for points as normal, and I will be giving bonus points for the towellyest and lilacyest, or the weirdest or the funniest or the shiniest...

Submit your releases via PM to me by 9PM 26th May, and I'll announce bonus points/blog after that

Monday, 7 May 2012

Turn Four

Submit the details of your teams completed challenge - including a link to the book's page (and pictures if you want) - by PMing Vekiki. Please also post on the forum so we can see your release!
Submissions deadline: 21.00 GMT (that's 9 PM, London time) on Monday 21st May
New Turn will be announced on Tuesday 22nd May
Refresh on how to play here
Chatter about the turn in the forum

Team Battleship
South (Dice Roll 4)

Teams Boot & Racecar
Tower (Dice Roll 10 & 5)

Team Iron
Parks & Playgrounds (Dice Roll 12)

Teams Moneybag & Thimble
Home (Dice Roll 11 & 3)

Team Scottie Dog
Recommend a favourite (Dice Roll 5)

Team Top Hat
Community Bookshelf (Dice Roll 7)

Team Train
West (Dice Roll 8)

Team Tulip
Water (Dice Roll 9)
   + Collect the Utilities

Team Wolf
Fifth Dimension (Dice Roll 8)

Historic Places (Dice roll 6)

Turn Three Releases

Hungry tree snacks on Team Boot's release
Team Moneybag: Mein erster Märchenschatz (My First Fairy Tale Treasury) at House of The Rainbow Nursey
Team Battleship: For God and Glory on the site of the first Methodist Church in the United States

Team Scottie Dog: The Tortilla Curtain deals with the north/south devide between the US and Mexico, and was left on chilli South Beach
Team Wolf: GeoMap Radwegepläne, Stuttgart und Umgebung (Cycle Maps of Stuttgart & Umgebung) get a view over the edge of the city before strapping on a helmet and whizzing away
Team Tophat: Hangover Square in Millenium Square, along with a hangover kit - found by a very appreciative new member!
Team Racecar stop to play Pooh Sticks
Team Racecar: Kengus Kafe (Ru's Cafe) returnes home to the Hundred Acre Woods 
Team Tulip: The Undutchables next to a pint sized orange tree, on Queen's day
Team Boot: The Kite Runner, in a kite eating tree
Team Train: The Ballard of the Sad Cafe at the aptly named Sad: Cafe
Team Iron:  Taking on the World at Southchurch Park in South end on sea...
Team Thimble: Engeldienste (Services of Angles) below a statue of Angle St. Michael
GoG: Frankenstein, in a thunder & lightening storm (It's ALIVE!)

Bonus Points going out to:
Team Wolf for the cycle helmet :D
Team Train for the most ideally named cafe possible
Team Boot for the Kite Eating Tree

Safety first for Team Wolf; careful not to fall...
Team Thimble at the feet of an angle
Team Top hat were seeing square by the end of the night...
Tulip's cure for homesickness