Sunday, 23 October 2011

Turn Thirteen

Submit the details of your teams completed challenge - including a link to the book's page (and pictures if you want) - to Vekiki's email (Don't PM please).
Submissions deadline: 21.00 GMT (that's 9 PM, London time) on Sunday 6th November
Next turn will be announced on Monday 7th November
Refresh on how to play  here
chatter about the turn in the forum

Please Note; This is the last turn in which bonus points will be handed out (except in EXCEPTIONAL circumstances!) as GoG does not want to be in a position of effectively choosing the winner :)

Battleships (11)
I suppose it'll be naval history for you... let's hope you have interesting belly-buttons!

Cannons (3)
Roll Three and climb a tree (Oh, cummon, it *nearly* rhymes)
Plus get fruity with a collect the oranges release

Boots (4)
take a pew, put your feet up...
Collect the Pinks!

Iron ( 7) and Racecar
It's your turn in the limelight
Both teams Collect the light blues
Racecar: celebrate passing go!

Moneybags (11)
A night in the Ritz for you moneybags
Collect the dark blues

Scottie Dogs (9)
Rest a book at a rest-a-rant

Thimbles (2)
Not moving too fast around the board... almost as still as a statue...
Collect the greens

Top Hats (11)
Are you square pegs in round holes? Let's see
Collect the yellows

well, most new cities were built around the train station, so it makes sense you're in the centre
Collect the Light Blues

Wheelbarrows (2)
Better wear your Sunday best, you're off to church
Collect the browns

Wolf (12)
Don't scare off that leprechaun - maybe he'll tell you where the rainbow ends

Six of One and Half A Dozen Of Another

A Different Sort of Maths Class...

Team Wolf discovered The John Rylands Library, and left a copy of Fahrenheit 451 while they were there - and, feeling peckish on the way home the popped to the indoor market, releasing  another book outside. Team Wheelbarrow also Went To Market - and ran into Mrs. Beeton whilst there

Team Battleship found just the right place to leave a book - with not one rainbow but two. As they collected all the light blues last week they made a celebratory colour release (a little belated because of GoGs lack of attention to detail). Team Train also suffered from GoGs distraction, so they also made a belated colour release. They then went off to play in the Rugby World Cup - Team All-Bally did pretty well!

Team Moneybag also went collecting this week - they made a steamy release, as well as a wet one ;) Just as badly behaved are Team Thimble, who spent the week teaching Bally how to play Poker and gamble on Dice. Tsk tsk. Certainly he picked up no such naughty habits from GoG...

Team Boot got all political - they went Bushwacking at OccupySaltLakeCity (GoG stands with you! she took biscuits to all the campers at OccupyPaternosterSquare this morning! Right On! Etc.!)

Team Top Hat swapped out their head-wear for a deerstalker instead, they went to play Railway Detectives...

Team Cannons release was entirely not understood by GoG - something to do with baseball, which she thins is the yank version of Rounders?
Team Cannon in a League of Their Own

Bonus Points:
Team Moneybag for Steampunk style
Team Train for International Playground Release
Team Cannon, for proving there is such a thing as a free lunch
Team Thimble for putting up with yet more anti-social antics...

Monday, 10 October 2011

Turn Twelve

Submit the details of your teams completed challenge - including a link to the book's page (and pictures if you want) - to Vekiki's email (Don't PM please).
Submissions deadline: 21.00 GMT (that's 9 PM, London time) on Sunday 23th October
Next turn will be announced on Monday 24th October
Refresh on how to play  here
chatter about the turn in the forums

Battleship (dice roll 7)
sail across the horizon and find out where that rainbow ends
And, make a light blue release to collect the set, since gamehost forgot that bit last turn (sorry!)

Cannon (dice roll 7)
Don't fire! It's not a war - just a game of some kind, down at the sports ground

Boot (dice roll 10)
Achoo.... you sneeze yourself across the board and right into bed with flu!Gamehost suggests you try to trade with team Top Hat for their Healing card so you can get out and visit a friend... offer points or bribes!)
And, for passing go, make a free release

Iron & Wheelbarrow & Wolf (dice roll 7 & 8 & 4)
Three little piggies went to market (apparently!?)
and, as you all passed go to get there, make a free release each
Team Iron - collect the set of browns with a colour-theme release

Moneybag (dice roll 2)
You're so rich, buy Bally a yacht so he can sail away over the water
and... since you have both utilities, you get to make a themed release to collect the set (GoG had not foreseen this and is very curious to see what you will come up with...)

Racecar (dice roll 2)
Chance card: A double release to demonstrate the Ins and Outs of the situation!

Scottie Dogs (dice roll 6)
Scotties may be little, but they sure are powerful

Thimbles (dice roll 3)
You have two weeks. Turn over your papers, you may begin your release exam

Tophat (dice roll 12)
First Class for swells like you, I'm surprised to see you on public transport at all...

Train (dice roll 5)
Bally needs a partner on the see-saws, so you best get down to the playground sharpish!

Sunday, 9 October 2011

An Eleventy-First Birthdy Party

Pictured (from left to right); Bally & GoG
It seems Bally was watching gamehost's behaviour at the Uncon last turn, and has decided to do some partying of his own. First he insisted that Team Cannon take him out this week, to Octoberfest where he got blau (pronounced Blue, mean meaning drunk!) enough to make even GoG blush. Once he'd drank all the beer, he wandered into church to see if there was any communion wine left over... no such luck, but he did meet a Sparrow in Gods Hands who told him the story of the (frankly rather stupid) people of Ulm (who did not know how to carry lengths of wood until she showed them), which made him laugh so he did not mind missing out on the alcohol. In all the merriment Mrs Sparrow did not see Bally leave, but Go he did and gone he stays...

Bally continued his debauchery by next insisting that Team Thimble took him out. They hopped in a yellow taxi cab, and (much to the Thimbelina's shock and horror) whisked away to the museum of erotic art, where everyone proceeded to behave very badly indeed.

Team Racecar go for an entirely different sort of ass, released on a mule in tribute to GoGs day-job working on WarHorse (No?). Then they take stock a little, realise that they are using all their petrol whizzing around the board - what if they run out before the game is over and are stuck unable to move (after all, Nothing Lasts Forever)? So they grab a Sedan chair in preparation to go green if needs be (GoG is a little worried who they think will carry them?)... 
Team Top-Hat go for some indulgence of their own, since they are Dying for Chocolate ;) Bally slipped away while they weren't looking and back into the church... still no wine to find though, and no talkative birds to chat up either this time.
Team Iron pit down their housework and went out - but not to paint the town red, oh no... to paint the town head, with one of the funniest releases so far this game and an utterly deserved (long-awaited) catch.
Conversely to all this merry making, Team boot are in a kind of hell - Tech Week in their theatre (For anyone who doesn't work in theatre, Tech Week is basically an exquisite form of torture, where you live in world of sweaty darkness and everyone's diet is pure sugar and caffeine (which makes them very friendly, but only for brief periods before the crash...)). They also warn Londoner GoG of another hell that is only just starting to hit her; the preparations for her city hosting the Olympics. Oh dear.... Team Boot kick off at a local Olympian, but do promise that the improvements in public transport stay around after the tourists go home, and  make it all worth while. (GoG, meanwhile, is skeptical about Boris' ability to even get the transport working before the games begin...)  
Despite some technical problems, Team Moneybag released a book in Eldon Square, to complete their set of yellows. Team Wolf release Engleby in a park, and Team Wheelbarrow made a contribution to a local bookshelf.
Team Battleship dropped off their little monsters at School, in the hope that someone else would pick them up again...

Also worth noting this turn; GoG is becoming a little worried at the habit she is developing of talking about herself in the third person (and this nickname really isn't helping her divinity complex!)

Bonus Points to...
Team Cannon for elaborate story telling (GoG does not seem to be able to post up PDF files for everyone else to read, maybe you can give us a link to your tale?)
Team Racecar because flattery will get you everywhere
Team Thimble (to help them get over the shock of naked Bally cavorting...)
And Team Iron, because that was bloody brilliant.