Team Thimble |
This turn was a little longer than usual, because the beautiful and charming gamehost has been tied up, imprisoned by the evil Emperor Revision, and she was only just able to escape to write this update now... with the able assistance of Team Thimble, who rushed off to into various fantasy books to find tools to aid their captured friend: a stone chair (a former enemy Narnia's White Witch, whom she petrified), a card of Gauguin's chair, and magic sword for Ballycumber to use in his rescue mission - and of course a copy of The Silver Chair.
Team Wheelbarrow |
The Racecars also searched fantasy land, going to the Rainbow rooms to meet the Wizard of Oz and seek his advice. The Wheelbarrows had a similar idea - they made an offering to of Little Comic Shop of Horrors to Audrey 2, hoping she might be able to tell them where Emperor Revision's secret lair was.
The Battleships have also come to the aid of our gamehost (who, did I mention, really is extraordinarily intelligent. And witty.), pulling into port to spend A Week in the Zone trying to find where she had been hidden. Team Train went undercover, running wild like Shadows in the Grass trying to find her, joined by Team TopHat in the Savage Garden. In the playground, Team Iron enlisted The Islander (hem, De Eilander) to provide help.
Team Cannon |
Team Cannon provided help solving murder mysteries with Radishes from Below (or Radieschen von unten - a phrase akin to pushing up daisies), which they sent along to a member of Team Moneybag to help them along...
Team moneybag |
Team Moneybag would have been the Perfect Match for Emperor Revision, and were sure to save the day until he called in his second in command Viscount English-Weather, who made sure rain stopped play.
Upon hearing about the capture of there delightful and elegant gamehost, team ScottieDog ran off so quickly that they left there shopping behind; along with a copy of Shopaholic and Baby. Team Wolf helped them cycle off in search of game host - a mode of transportation most definitely not approved of by Jeremy Clarkson in his book Don't Stop Me Now.
Team Wolf |
Finally, With the help of Team Boot (who gave her a boost up a tree, climbing up and over a wall to freedom) the gamehost (who's grace and bearing are unparalleled on this, and any other, plane) found her way to a Bit of Paradise
In a display of her gratitude, generous and giving gamehost grants bonus points to Team Boot because without the right footwear a girl is going no where, and to Team Cannon for their mystery solving skills!
What a fun description of turn two. It's taken me a while to get around to reading it properly. Made me smile all the way through. Thank you for making this game so interesting :)