Thursday, 17 November 2011

Go Us!

Monopoly 2011 is nearly over - there have been some awesome releases and lots of books gone wild. Thank you all so much for playing (or just watching, if there are any lurkers out there). I already have some ideas for next time and will hopefully start a new game near the beginning of next year, keep an eye on the forums. In the meantime, here's a few numbers to try to take stock of what we've achieved!
* 36 players releasing books across 14 countries (and living in 13 of those countries...)
* 211 wild releases, of which 25 have been caught so far (an 11.8% catch rate), and 5 of them have been re-released. Our most adventuresome books seems to be this one from Team Wolf, which was caught, re-released, caught again (with AF sign up) and re-re-released! (And we are due to release a further 23 books for our final turn too)
* 11 AF sign-ups
* 11 Controlled releases between players, and (hopefully) a fair few BC-buddies made

Here are a few of my personal  Top 5 favourite releases form the game, in no particular order;
Thimbles serve up Bally Rolls
*Team Iron used the face on the front of The Great Gatsby to complete a headless statue
* Team Wheelbarrow followed a trail of Stardust to find a fallen star
* Team Iron landed on the OBCZ square, so headed off to the Organized Bleached Clothing Zone to make a release
* Team Racecar buried some treasure in hope that a passing pirate may sniff it out
* Team Thimble made book sushi - check out how on Azuki's blog

All that's very well and good, but I must admit I'm still a little bit disappointed that no one threw anything at David Cameron.

1 comment:

  1. I lurked around in the beginning of the game, but then I no longer had the time... Thanks for posting the link to this blog post over in Site Watch. Nice to see some stats and the imaginative ways the books were released. Love the bally rolls! :)))

